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Saturday, March 23, 2024

Coastal ODM Leaders Rally Behind Joho’s Presidential Bid for 2027

In a significant move highlighting regional unity and political determination, elected leaders from Kilifi, Mombasa, and Kwale counties, all allied to the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), have officially endorsed former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho for the presidency in 2027. This endorsement marks a pivotal moment for the Coastal region, with leaders expressing a collective desire to see one of their own ascend to Kenya’s highest office.

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During a food distribution event held at Nidhamia Hall in Malindi during the Holy Month of Ramadhan, over 10 legislators, including senators, women representatives, and members of parliament, voiced their unequivocal support for Joho’s presidential aspirations. Among the prominent attendees were Malindi MP Amina Mnyazi, Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo, Kwale Senator Boy Juma Boy, and Mombasa Senator Mohamed Faki, along with several others representing various constituencies in the Coastal region.

The endorsement resonated with a resounding call for unity and solidarity, with leaders urging Joho to persevere in his pursuit of the presidency, assuring him of their unwavering backing as Coastal representatives. In his acceptance of the endorsement, Joho asserted his determination to lead the party and reiterated his commitment to vie for the presidency until he achieves success.

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Senator Madzayo emphasized the need for Coast residents to set aside political differences and rally behind Joho’s candidacy, especially in light of a potential vacancy in leadership should Raila Odinga assume the African Union Commission chairmanship. Madzayo unequivocally declared Joho as the most fitting successor to Odinga within the ODM ranks.

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