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Police Officer Killed in Elgeyo Marakwet Camp Raid


In a devastating incident, a police officer met his untimely demise during a raid on a camp in Chesuman, Elgeyo Marakwet. The incident occurred on the morning of Saturday, February 10, at the Chepkum chief’s camp, where Sergeant Anthony Mwangi tragically lost his life.

Conviction of Jowie Irungu: Analyzing the Evidence in Monica Kimani Murder Case

The police officer was fatally shot in the head while walking to an outside latrine around 4 am, leaving his two colleagues unharmed but undoubtedly shaken by the harrowing events. According to police reports, the assailants, whose numbers remain unknown, targeted the camp in a vengeful mission following the killing of a wanted suspected bandit known as Oliver Kimutai alias Mutee.

The attack has escalated concerns over the escalating violence in the region, with more than 20 fatalities recorded in separate incidents over recent months. This surge in violence highlights an urgent need to address the pervasive issue of banditry in Elgeyo Marakwet and its surrounding areas.

President Ruto’s Affordable Housing Scheme Favors the Wealthy, Warns Parliament Budget Office

In response to the mounting security challenges, additional security teams have been deployed to pursue the perpetrators, reflecting the gravity of the situation. Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has taken a firm stance, leading operations in the area and vowing to quell the menace of banditry.

Kindiki emphasized that banditry not only poses a threat to public safety but also exacerbates poverty and displacement in affected communities. He stressed the government’s commitment to dismantling the criminal networks responsible for these heinous acts, ensuring the recovery of stolen livestock, and holding perpetrators and their accomplices accountable for their actions.

Babu Owino Calls on William Ruto to Allocate Completed Affordable Houses to Embakasi Fire Victims

As investigations into the tragic incident continue, the loss of Sergeant Anthony Mwangi serves as a somber reminder of the dangers faced by law enforcement officers in their unwavering commitment to maintaining peace and security in our communities.

Conviction of Jowie Irungu: Analyzing the Evidence in Monica Kimani Murder Case


After a protracted legal battle spanning over five years, the High Court has delivered its long-awaited verdict on the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani. Joseph Irungu, commonly known as Jowie, the primary suspect in the case, has been found guilty of the heinous crime. The conviction of Jowie Irungu brings closure to a prolonged legal battle that has gripped the nation’s attention for years.

President Ruto’s Affordable Housing Scheme Favors the Wealthy, Warns Parliament Budget Office

The Conviction of Jowie Irungu

In a comprehensive judgment issued by Lady Justice Grace Nzioka, the court meticulously analyzed the evidence presented by the prosecution, ultimately concluding that Jowie played a central role in Monica’s murder. The verdict shed light on key elements of the offense, delving into various aspects of Jowie’s involvement and culpability.

The court’s determination revolved around six critical issues, each crucial in establishing Jowie’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Firstly, it examined whether Jowie knew Monica before her death, dismissing his denial as untenable in light of witness statements and phone records indicating their acquaintance.

Kirinyaga: 6 Dead, 5 Blinded After Consuming Illicit Brew

Secondly, the court scrutinized Jowie’s alleged theft and use of a stolen ID to gain access to Monica’s residence, highlighting evidence linking him to the identity card’s unauthorized use.

Thirdly, the judge assessed the significance of Jowie’s attire on the day of the murder, citing corroborative witness testimony regarding the clothes he wore, which aligned with accounts of eyewitnesses.

Raila Odinga and Azimio Leaders Rally Support for Embakasi Fire Victims with KSh 2 Million Donation

Fourthly, the court considered whether Jowie was present at Monica’s house and if he was the last person seen with her, drawing on witness statements and identification parade evidence to establish his presence at the crime scene.

Fifthly, the judge examined Jowie’s possession and use of a firearm, emphasizing witness testimony regarding his acquisition of a gun and its intended role in subduing the victim.

Lastly, the court evaluated the reliability of the identification parade, expressing reservations about its procedural integrity and the potential for witness bias.

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In her summation, Justice Nzioka underscored the cumulative weight of the evidence, painting a damning picture of Jowie’s actions leading up to and following the murder. She outlined a sequence of events implicating Jowie, including the theft of an ID, armed entry into Monica’s apartment, and subsequent attempts to conceal his involvement.

Jacque Maribe Acquitted in Monica Kimani Murder Case


In a significant legal development, former Citizen TV journalist Jacque Maribe has been acquitted by the High Court in the murder case of businesswoman Monica Kimani. Maribe, who was charged alongside her former partner Joseph Irungu, alias Jowie, has been found not guilty of the offense, whereas Jowie has been convicted of Kimani’s murder.

Babu Owino Calls on William Ruto to Allocate Completed Affordable Houses to Embakasi Fire Victims

Delivering the verdict on Friday, February 9, Lady Justice Grace Nzioka emphasized that the prosecution failed to present sufficient evidence to convict Maribe beyond a reasonable doubt. Jacque Maribe had been accused of aiding or abetting Jowie in the commission of the offense on September 19, 2018, at Lamuria Garden in Nairobi.

During the trial, the court thoroughly examined Maribe’s alleged involvement in Kimani’s murder, scrutinizing her actions, knowledge of the deceased, and potential role in the crime. Despite the conviction of Jowie, the court found no conclusive evidence linking Maribe to the murder, affirming her claim of innocence.

Madagascar Enacts Surgical Castration Law to Combat Child Sexual Abuse

Maribe’s defense highlighted the prosecution’s failure to establish her presence at the crime scene or any connection to the deceased. Notably, corroborating witness statements did not implicate Maribe, underscoring the lack of evidence against her.

Government Proposes Sh3,000 Daily Fees for Road Reserve Kiosks

While the court acquitted Maribe of the murder charge, it raised concerns regarding her contradictory statements to the police regarding a shooting incident at her residence. Justice Nzioka observed inconsistencies in Maribe’s accounts, raising integrity questions about her involvement in the case.

In the final judgment, the High Court found Joseph Irungu, alias Jowie, guilty of Monica Kimani’s murder. The ruling determined Jowie to be the last person seen with the victim on the night of her death, solidifying his conviction.

President Ruto’s Affordable Housing Scheme Favors the Wealthy, Warns Parliament Budget Office


Madagascar Enacts Surgical Castration Law to Combat Child Sexual Abuse


Madagascar has taken a bold step in combatting child sexual abuse by approving legislation that mandates surgical castration for convicted pedophiles. The decision, passed by the country’s Parliament on February 2, marks a significant shift in the approach to addressing such heinous crimes.

Babu Owino Calls on William Ruto to Allocate Completed Affordable Houses to Embakasi Fire Victims

Previously, perpetrators of pedophilia in Madagascar faced forced labor sentences ranging from five to 20 years. However, under the new law, individuals found guilty of defiling minors under the age of ten will now undergo surgical castration and receive life imprisonment.

For victims aged between ten and 13, chemical castration will be administered to offenders, who will also face 15 to 20 years of forced labor. Notably, minors who commit such crimes will be exempt from castration.

Embakasi Gas Explosion: NEMA Takes Action, Suspends Officials Following Ruto’s Directive

This move comes in the wake of similar legislative actions taken by other countries, such as Kazakhstan, which introduced comparable laws in response to concerns that existing measures, like chemical castration, were inadequate deterrents to child rape.

However, while applauded by some for its firm stance against child sexual abuse, the new law has faced criticism from human rights advocates. Tigere Chagutah, Amnesty International’s Regional Director for East and Southern Africa, expressed concern over the potential for abuse and violations of human rights.

Atwoli Stands Firm: Defends Kenya Kwanza Government, Urges Patience from Kenyans

Chagutah emphasized that rape cases in Madagascar are often under-reported, and victims and their families may hesitate to seek justice due to fear of reprisal, stigma, and distrust in the judicial system. He argued that implementing chemical and surgical castration as punishments could constitute cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, contrary to national and international human rights standards.


The decision to adopt surgical castration as a punitive measure raises ethical questions andhighlights the complexities of addressing child sexual abuse within the legal framework. While the intention to protect vulnerable minors is commendable, ensuring that measures are effective, proportionate, and respectful of human rights remains paramount.

Government Proposes Sh3,000 Daily Fees for Road Reserve Kiosks


In a move aimed at regulating land usage for road expansion, the government has introduced stringent measures that will require hustlers running Road Reserve Kiosks to pay a daily fee of Sh3,000 for temporary structures within cities. This comes as part of the draft Kenya Roads (Roadside Stations) Regulations, 2023 by the Ministry of Roads and Transport.

Additionally, Kenyans will be mandated to pay a one-off fee of Sh50,000 to divert stormwater into public road drainages, further adding to the financial burden faced by citizens amidst rising taxation and economic challenges.

Kenya’s Future Lies in Taxation, Not Debts, Ruto Tells Kenyans Abroad

The proposed regulations outline that the new fees for the Road Reserve Kiosks will be in addition to existing payments made to county governments, exacerbating the financial strain on traders and businesses. For temporary settlements lasting up to six months, traders will face a daily fee of Sh100 per square meter, with a minimum charge of Sh3,000 for operations within city limits.

Moreover, the government plans to impose a daily fee of Sh50 per square meter for road reserves outside cities, with a minimum charge of Sh1,000 per day. Short-term leasing of road reserve space for periods ranging from six months to four years will necessitate an application fee of Sh55,000, along with annual rent equivalent to 15 percent of the unimproved site value and a five percent annual rent escalation rate.

Babu Owino Calls on William Ruto to Allocate Completed Affordable Houses to Embakasi Fire Victims

Furthermore, the Kenya National Highways Authority is proposing additional fees for individuals seeking to construct access roads to private premises or petrol stations, including a one-time fee of Sh50,000 and Sh200,000, respectively.

Kirinyaga: 6 Dead, 5 Blinded After Consuming Illicit Brew

These regulations underscore the government’s efforts to regulate roadside developments and optimize the use of expansive road reserves across the country. However, they also raise concerns about the financial burden placed on hustlers and businesses, especially in the current economic climate characterized by shrinking incomes and reduced purchasing power.

Kenya’s Future Lies in Taxation, Not Debts, Ruto Tells Kenyans Abroad


In a recent address to Kenyans living in Japan, President William Ruto reiterated his firm stance that Kenya’s development hinges on taxes, not debts or aid. Emphasizing the need for citizens to contribute to the nation’s growth, Ruto drew parallels with Japan’s development model, where citizens’ taxes play a significant role.

Ruto highlighted the disparity in the tax-to-GDP ratio between Kenya and Japan, underscoring the importance of increased taxation to drive development efforts. He emphasized that the burden of building the nation falls squarely on Kenyans themselves, urging them to actively participate in the country’s progress.

Kirinyaga: 6 Dead, 5 Blinded After Consuming Illicit Brew

Asserting his unwavering commitment to making tough decisions for the country’s benefit, Ruto emphasized that he will prioritize the nation’s long-term interests over short-term gains. Despite facing criticism and name-calling, he remains resolute in his pursuit of policies aimed at fostering sustainable development.

Babu Owino Calls on William Ruto to Allocate Completed Affordable Houses to Embakasi Fire Victims

During his official visit to Japan, President William Ruto engaged in bilateral meetings with top Japanese leaders and corporations, aiming to strengthen ties and explore avenues for collaboration. A significant outcome of the visit was the signing of a framework agreement between Kenya and Toyota Tsusho Corporation, focusing on vehicle manufacturing and renewable energy development.

President Ruto’s Affordable Housing Scheme Favors the Wealthy, Warns Parliament Budget Office

Ruto’s message resonates with the broader narrative of self-reliance and economic empowerment, echoing the sentiments of many Kenyans who advocate for a shift towards sustainable development fueled by domestic resources. As Kenya navigates its development journey, Ruto’s emphasis on taxation as a catalyst for growth underscores the importance of fiscal responsibility and citizen engagement in shaping the nation’s future.

Babu Owino Calls on William Ruto to Allocate Completed Affordable Houses to Embakasi Fire Victims


In the aftermath of the devastating fire that ravaged Embakasi, Babu Owino, the MP for Embakasi East, has issued a passionate plea to President William Ruto. Owino is urging Ruto to allocate some of the completed units from the Affordable Housing Programme to the over 300 victims left homeless by the tragedy.

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino pictured with Azimio La Umoja leader Raila Odinga.
Embakasi East MP Babu Owino pictured with Azimio La Umoja leader Raila Odinga. Photo: Babu Owino. Source: X

Expressing his concern for the plight of the affected families, Owino emphasized that these individuals are in urgent need of shelter and assistance. He highlighted the presence of unoccupied houses in Ngara, questioning why they are not being utilized to provide relief to those left destitute by the fire disaster.

Owino’s call for action comes amidst criticism of government inaction and complacency, with opposition leader Raila Odinga demanding swift and substantial compensation for the victims. Raila asserted that each affected family should receive no less than KSh 500,000 in compensation, attributing the tragedy to negligence on the part of the authorities.

In a display of solidarity, Raila Odinga personally contributed KSh 1 million towards a charitable fund for the victims, with Babu Owino matching this amount with an additional KSh 1 million. The combined effort aims to provide immediate relief and support to those affected by the devastating fire.

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The fire, which occurred on February 1st, has raised significant questions about safety regulations and oversight concerning industrial operations in residential areas. President William Ruto has called for swift action against those responsible for permitting the operation of the gas plant near residential neighborhoods.

While investigations into the cause of the fire are ongoing, the focus remains on providing aid and assistance to the victims. The Nairobi county government has pledged to waive treatment charges for those injured in the blaze, highlighting the collective effort to alleviate the suffering of the affected families.

President Ruto’s Affordable Housing Scheme Favors the Wealthy, Warns Parliament Budget Office

As the community grapples with the aftermath of this tragic event, Babu Owino’s appeal to President Ruto underscores the urgent need for compassionate and decisive action to address the housing needs of the displaced families

President Ruto’s Affordable Housing Scheme Favors the Wealthy, Warns Parliament Budget Office


President William Ruto’s affordable housing initiative faces criticism from the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO). According to PBO, the scheme disproportionately benefits high-income earners, undermining its intended goal of aiding lower-income citizens.

President Ruto’s Affordable Housing Scheme.
President Ruto’s Affordable Housing Scheme.
Photo: State Department of Housing and Urban Development – Kenya.
Source: Facebook

The PBO highlights discrepancies in fund allocation, revealing that while individuals earning up to Sh149,000 per month constitute 77 percent of Kenya’s workforce, they receive only 60 percent of the funds allocated for housing development. Conversely, the 23 percent of Kenyans earning above Sh149,000 monthly receive 36 percent of the funds, indicating a skewed distribution favoring higher earners.

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The Affordable Housing Bill of 2023 divides funds collected from the Housing Levy into three categories: social housing projects (for those earning below Sh20,000 monthly), affordable housing projects (for incomes between Sh20,000 and Sh149,000), and institutional housing projects (for incomes exceeding Sh149,000). However, the PBO notes that the majority of employed Kenyans fall within the social and affordable housing brackets, yet these groups receive a lower share of the funds.

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Furthermore, the PBO expresses concern over the potential misuse of unused funds, as the bill lacks clarity on how these should be handled at the end of each financial year, contradicting provisions of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012.

As legal challenges mount against the housing initiative, with the Court of Appeal upholding a decision to halt the collection of the Housing Levy, which has accrued Sh26.8 billion since its implementation in July last year, the PBO urges revisions to the legislation. Notably, it recommends that beneficiaries of the housing units should be active contributors to the levy, a criterion not currently included in the bill.

Mama Mboga Travels From Nairobi to Pastor Ezekiel’s Church in Mombasa with 6 Million in a Sack

In light of these findings, the PBO’s report underscores the need for a more equitable approach to the affordable housing scheme, ensuring that it serves its intended purpose of providing housing solutions for Kenya’s most vulnerable populations.

Kirinyaga: 6 Dead, 5 Blinded After Consuming Illicit Brew


In a devastating turn of events, six individuals lost their lives, while five others were left blinded after consuming illicit brew in the Kangai village of Kirinyaga County. The incident has sent shockwaves through the community, highlighting the dire consequences of the illicit alcohol trade in the region.

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Kirinyaga County Chief Officer for Health, George Karoki, confirmed that the alcohol consumed by the victims contained high levels of ethanol. Symptoms exhibited by those hospitalized included blurred vision, indicating a severe reaction to the toxic substance.

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Expressing grave concern, Mwea Deputy County Commissioner, Teresia Wanjiku, condemned the sabotage encountered in the ongoing battle against illicit brews. Wanjiku pointed out the challenges faced in prosecuting cases related to the production and distribution of harmful alcohol, citing delays and legal loopholes at Wanguru Law Courts.

The tragic incident underscores the urgent need for stronger enforcement measures and community initiatives to combat the proliferation of illicit alcohol. Just months ago, the women of Irate village in Molo sub-county took matters into their own hands, launching a coordinated operation to dismantle a local brewing operation. Their actions reflect the frustration and desperation felt by many in communities ravaged by alcoholism.

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Beyond Kirinyaga, concerns about alcoholism have reverberated across Nakuru County, where women lament the loss of productive and responsible men to the grip of addiction. With drinking dens multiplying and men neglecting their familial duties, young women are left without suitable partners and support systems. Their impassioned plea for intervention underscores the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to address alcohol abuse and its devastating impact on families and communities.

As Kirinyaga mourns the lives lost and grapples with the aftermath of this tragedy, it serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing battle against illicit brews and the pressing need for collective action to safeguard public health and well-being.

The Royal Family’s Health Crisis: King Charles III Diagnosed with Cancer


In a solemn announcement from Buckingham Palace, it was revealed that Britain’s King Charles III has been diagnosed with cancer, leading him to step back from public duties temporarily to focus on treatment. The news follows a recent hospital visit for a corrective procedure on an enlarged prostate, during which tests unveiled the presence of cancer. Despite the diagnosis, the King remains resolute, expressing gratitude to his medical team and displaying optimism about his treatment. This development not only impacts the royal family but also triggers widespread concern and well-wishes from political leaders and citizens worldwide.

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The King’s diagnosis adds to a series of health-related challenges confronting the royal family in the new year. Concurrently, Queen Camilla and Catherine, Princess of Wales, have been grappling with their own medical issues, further exacerbating the situation. While Queen Camilla has been a steadfast presence by her husband’s side, the royal couple faces a tumultuous period ahead as they navigate through treatment and recovery.

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In the wake of this announcement, Prince William, next in line to the throne, is set to resume public duties after a brief hiatus to support his wife during her recovery from abdominal surgery. Additionally, Prince Harry has expressed his intention to visit the UK to be with his father during this trying time, despite past tensions within the family. The solidarity exhibited by both political leaders and members of the Commonwealth reflects a global outpouring of support for King Charles III and the entire royal family.

As King Charles III embarks on his journey towards healing, the world watches with bated breath, hoping for a swift recovery and a return to full health for the monarch and his loved ones.

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